Why Choose Boat Lettering?

Stand out even on the water, thanks to the quality work of Lettra. Choosing boat lettering allows you to have a boat that looks great and is to your liking, while enjoying the beautiful days of summer. The lettering will also allow you to stand out from other boats on the waterways, while giving you the chance to have a unique means of transportation.

icon Full lettering
Contact us now!
Type *
For a quote request

When requesting a quote for a vehicle fleet, please describe all relevant information about your fleet in the message field (ex: types of vehicles, quantities, dimensions, etc.).

When requesting a quote for a large format printing, please describe all relevant information about your project in the message field.

Aesthetics *
Type of lettering *
Graphic design *
Length of the trailer *
Length of the boat *
Front *
Attach photos of the vehicle if possible (4 sides)
Front photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Back photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Left photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Right picture Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg

Boat Wrapping, a Personalized Solution

With the help of Lettra, you can have a completely customized boat. A partial or complete boat wrap, an image and the colours you want; everything is possible and within your reach to make you stand out.

Entrust your project to Lettra and see your boat wrap idea take shape before your eyes, with high quality workmanship and impressive durability. Tell us about your boat wrap idea and turn heads!

  • étape 1
  • étape 2
    Creation of visuals and production
  • étape 3
    Print production
  • étape 4
    Making an appointment for installation
  • étape 5
    Vehicle cleaning and decontamination
  • étape 6
  • Final inspection and delivery
  • étape 7
    Final inspection and delivery