Lettra also offers collaborative projects with various corporate partners through its Lettra pro service. Based above all on trust and transparency between the parties, this turnkey service allows the Lettra team to take over from its partner, starting with the creation and production of the vehicle's wrap. This way, both the partner and the client are assured of obtaining impeccable results in terms of advertising lettering.

Developing a Winning Referencing Plan

Lettra bases its professional relationships on honesty and always commits to offering a discount to its partner referring a client. The various terms and conditions will be discussed during an initial meeting.

"When I started working with Lettra, I knew right away that I could have peace of mind when I entrusted them with the lettering of my clients' vehicles. We worked closely together throughout the mandate before Lettra's experts took over the production portion. The results of the wrap are breathtaking, and my customers are very satisfied! What a great and distinctive offer this corporate partnership is!”

Contact us now!
Type *
For a quote request

When requesting a quote for a vehicle fleet, please describe all relevant information about your fleet in the message field (ex: types of vehicles, quantities, dimensions, etc.).

When requesting a quote for a large format printing, please describe all relevant information about your project in the message field.

Aesthetics *
Type of lettering *
Graphic design *
Length of the trailer *
Length of the boat *
Front *
Attach photos of the vehicle if possible (4 sides)
Front photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Back photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Left photo Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg
Right picture Max File Size : 4 mo Extension allowed : jpg, jpeg